Wednesday, July 3, 2013

traversing twenties: with Jessica DeFeo

If could reach back through time and have a heart-to-heart with your twentysomething self, what would you say to her? 

She’s in her twenties, that glorified period of life when she’s supposed to be discovering herself, deep in exploration, living her most defining decade. And yet.....she may feel like the exact opposite. Or exactly that. Or somewhere in between. She probably doesn't even know.

Maybe you pour her a cup of tea, look into her eyes, wrap her in a hug.

What do you tell her? 


Today's post comes from my dear friend Jessica DeFeo. After connecting online months ago, we finally met in person last month in her home state of Texas -- and how magical is that? How incredible is it that the internet can help to make connections between strangers like that, hundreds of miles apart? I'm so glad Jessica decided to share her letter -- it's pretty incredible. Thank you, Jessica:

Wow you've been through so much lately. I know it seems like your life is taking one turn after another, and all you've had to eat the last few months are fish sticks and peanut butter and jelly. I know there are days when you don't think you should be here, in this position, barely scraping by and sometimes asking your parents for money. There are times when it is shameful for you. Breathe through the fear. Your strength is far more powerful than what you give yourself credit for.

You'll soon see that you never finish that degree, and in fact you'll never finish college. You will realize it's not what you thought it would be, but, trust the process, yes? I promise you it will all make so much sense in a few years.  And no matter what anyone tells you, finishing college doesn't determine your self worth. There are enough interior designers in this world already.

I know there are times when you feel strong and powerful. I love that about you, and that side of you will only continue to grow. You are about to come into one of the most difficult points in your life soon. There will be moments that will define who you are, and what you want this life for you to be about. I need you to listen to me now, and know that you will never lose who you are. You may feel lost, and you may not see a way out, but I promise you it's there. You will find strength in yourself you never knew you had. And on the other side? It's so beautiful here. This next year for you will carry you to the best years of your life.

There will be times when you are in deep pain. Listen to that heart of yours. That heart that thrives on change and compassion and love. Trust that. Trust that that voice of yours will call you forward and reach out to you at the exact moment you need it to. And you will hear it. Feel it. Trust it. You will remember the exact moment that voice of love comes to you and shakes you alive again. Please remember there are no mistakes and you are exactly where you need to be. Even when it hurts so badly.

Know that I am so proud of you. Proud of your decisions and your in the moment, life changing actions that will always give you the best thrill ride ever in this life. Remember to stay soft. And lean in to the vulnerable. It doesn't make you weak, my love. Your vulnerability is your greatest gift and your greatest teacher. You have so much ahead of you and I can't wait for you to see what's next. Stay open and step into the sun. I send you incredible love across space and time and the stars and the moon. I send you magic and light and courage. I know you can do it. I know because I'm here. And I'm so proud of what I see.


Jessica DeFeo
Passionate joy seeker. Motivator of dreams. Inspiring others to live their best life.
Womens Empowerment Coach
The Living Well
"Echoes of Support for the Feminine Evolution" 

Come see us::


  1. Amazing. Truth bumps, tears, the works. Jess, thank you for sharing this bit of your heart and soul. I loved reading this. And, I've so been there - and that bit about vulnerability...yes. My 35 year old self needs that reminder today. xoxoxoxo

  2. Love this Jess. Thank you. <3

  3. beautiful beautiful beautiful, jessica, thank you for sharing this! ruth, again, this is such a dynamic series.
    love these words:
    "I know there are times when you feel strong and powerful. I love that about you, and that side of you will only continue to grow. You are about to come into one of the most difficult points in your life soon. There will be moments that will define who you are, and what you want this life for you to be about. I need you to listen to me now, and know that you will never lose who you are..."
    maya ox

  4. Pretty incredible, right? Jess is just an amazing woman.


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