
Hi, I'm Ruth.

Sensitive seeker of feeling good. Soulfully dwelling in truth & love. Inspiring connection & listening deeply.

Thanks for visiting! I launched ruthpclark.com after four years of blogging and after four years of never quite getting the hang of it. After going through three different internet homes, I've finally settled here, in June 2013. And I'm in love with it.

This is where I uncover love and dig deep for my truths, weave words together and make sense of it all, share it with you and (hopefully) realize we're not all alone.


I believe in:

-- permission to feel good, as deeply and as often as we'd like
-- bright, sunny, early mornings shared with the birds and an empty notebook
-- the kind of music that hits you deep in your soul, blasted as loud as possible of course
-- the kind of connection with people that makes you feel like you can reach through the computer screen and feel them and hug them and know them (or even better, to do this in real life)
-- dancing in the kitchen
-- circling with women (both online and in the physical world, this is magic)
-- Instagramming mercilessly
-- making up your own rules for life and knowing that this is all that matters

This is me as a kid. Painfully shy, in love with bunny rabbits, and wanting nothing more than to wear dangly earrings and change my name to Melissa. (Note the "puppet show" production I clearly worked very hard on, too.)

Now I'm 25, have come to terms with my birth-given name, and have recently transplanted myself into the beautiful city of Providence, Rhode Island.

I wear lots of hats:
     I'm the community events coordinator at The Loft, a workshop and retreat space for women.
     I'm the assistant to a busy birth and portrait photographer.
     I'm a doula-in-training.
     And I'm a nanny to two deliciously adorable twin girls, too.

But really, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. And so I explore, explore, and explore some more, growing and learning and expanding in the meantime. I have a pretty deep love for writing, and so I come here (after dumping my brain's contents into an absurd number of journal pages) to make sense of it all and share it with you.

I'm so happy you're here.

(Top photos credit: Jen Brister)
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