Monday, January 27, 2014

january weekends.

Once upon a time I used to carry my camera along with me wherever I went. With the addition of the smart phone to my life, that tradition was suddenly no more.

I miss it.

For the sake of creativity, for the sake of doing, for the sake of inspiration, for the sake of self-discipline.

Some glimpses into my weekend:

sheets + pillows + sleepiness
// I swear, the way the small amount of sunlight coming in my bedroom window hits the folds and curves and creases in the sheets on my bed... //

fresh snow out the window
// Fresh snow on the neighbor's roof //

bedroom window goodness
the gallery wall, coming along
// This bedroom feels so much like my own now //

martha snoozing
elton on the table
// Martha and Elton, masters of mischief //

beautiful bathroom light
// We always joke the the bathroom is our favorite room in the house, actually is //

living room beauty
// Third-floor windows are just so much happier than first-floor windows //

thrift store scores
// Saturday afternoon thrift store treasures //

favorite part of my bedroom
// I've begun writing this phrase from my favorite poem everywhere, and can't really stop //

trees holding snow
snow prints

mabel in the snow"the first brrok"the pond in januarymabel in the snow
// A quick trip home for a Sunday means lots of puppy love and visiting my favorite woods again //

// The light coming down the basement steps, the dogs waiting expectantly... //

cat by the woodstove 2cat by the woodstove 3
// In the winter, you will never find Blanche far from the wood stove //

can't put it down
// Have you read this? It's entirely disturbing, but I can't put it down... //

january sunsetjanuary sunset
// After a beautiful morning turned into a dreary gray afternoon, the sky cleared again just enough for the most beautiful January pink //


  1. I love this beyond words! I rarely pick up my camera for myself anymore (or blog for that matter). This is the gorgeous inspiration I needed.

  2. I love this beyond words! I rarely pick up my camera for myself anymore (or blog for that matter). This is the gorgeous inspiration I needed.

    1. I guess life gets in the way if we let it, right? Although I can imagine you have your hands full ;) I used to blog every single Monday with a weekend post, had a whole series going. I miss that, just taking pictures for the fun of it. I'm trying to start that more!

  3. Ah, I miss these posts... and blogging in general :) <3


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